September 21, 2023 By ireyco Off

Solar X Mining Device

SolarX device is developed to use solar panels or other renewable energy sources to power the mining process, reducing the device’s environmental impact and potentially lowering operating costs.

The mining device works by solving complex mathematical equations to verify transactions on a network and earn SolarX coins as a reward. This mining device is built on SolarX greenX chain and is compatible with the blockchain’s consensus mechanism and follows its own network’s rules for validating transactions between SolarX devices.

The use of renewable energy sources for cryptocurrency mining can help to create a more sustainable and eco-friendly industry and could potentially offer cost savings and other benefits for mining companies.

Reduced energy consumption: By using solar power instead of traditional power sources, the device could significantly reduce energy consumption and associated costs.

Environmentally friendly: Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source, which will help to reduce the carbon footprint of the mining process.

Increased efficiency: The use of solar power could increase the efficiency of the mining process, allowing for faster and more cost-effective coin generation.


Watt is a unit of power, which is a measure of energy per unit of time in SolarX mining. In the context of SolarX cryptocurrency mining, Watt will be used to measure the power consumption of mining hardware.

SolarX project will use Watt as a unit of measure for the power consumption of its mining hardware. Watt is a commonly used unit of power, which represents the rate at which energy is consumed or produced per unit of time. In the context of SolarX cryptocurrency mining, the power consumption of mining hardware is a crucial factor in determining its efficiency and profitability. By measuring the power consumption of mining hardware in Watts, the SolarX project can determine the energy efficiency of its mining operations and optimize its hardware accordingly.

Additionally, the use of solar power in the SolarX project’s mining operations means that Watt can also be used to measure the energy production of its solar panels. By measuring the energy production of its solar panels in Watts, the SolarX project can optimize its solar panel arrays and maximize the amount of solar energy used in its mining operations.

Overall, the use of Watt as a unit of measure for the power consumption and energy production of mining hardware and solar panels in the SolarX project can provide a more standardized and transparent way of measuring the efficiency and sustainability of its mining operations.


SolarX mining device is a Solar-powered mining device that mines SolarX coins during the day and stores excess solar energy in a battery for use at night to mine. The mining device will be connected to a solar panel, an inverter, and a battery bank to function.

During the day, the solar panels will collect energy from the sun and convert it into DC electricity. The inverter will then convert this DC electricity into AC electricity that will be used to power the mining device. Any excess energy that is not immediately used by the mining device will be stored in the battery bank for use at night.

At night, or during periods of low solar generation, the mining device will draw power from the battery bank to continue mining.


SolarX is an ERC-20 governance and utility coin that is used in SolarX mining devices. SolarX is the native coin of SolarX “SOLX” will be required to buy the mining device. SolarX will be used in real-life use cases and in the ecosystem of SolarX.


“SOLX” is required to purchase the SolarX mining device, which suggests that it will have a role in securing the network and/or providing rewards for miners. “SOLX” will be used in real-life use cases such as purchasing items and paying for electricity charges for SolarX grid mini-Grids and recharging cars. This suggests that “SOLX” will have utility as a means of exchange or store of value within the SolarX ecosystem.

“SOLX” will be used to buy electricity and sell electricity, which suggests that the SolarX ecosystem will be involved in the energy marketplace or grid.


It will be used on gaming platforms to purchase items and pay for cloud services. This suggests that Solx may have some role in incentivizing gameplay or creating a more immersive gaming experience.

Overall, $SOLX will have a variety of use cases within the SolarX ecosystem, ranging from securing the network to facilitating real-world transactions to enhancing mining and grids. It will be interesting to see how this token develops and how it is ultimately used within the SolarX ecosystem.



Having a portion of the SolX coin on the Polygon chain and the other portion on the SolarX chain, we are implementing a bridge or interoperability mechanism. This approach allows for the transfer of coins between the two chains.

To ensure the stability and continuity of the network, to avoid complete dependence on a single chain, like the SolarX chain. By distributing the coins between two chains, we are reducing the risk of disruption due to weather-related outages or any other potential issues specific to the SolarX chain. It is important for SolarX to have a sufficient number of active devices in different locations to maintain the validation process even in the event of weather-related outages, especially when the blockchain validation process depends on solar energy.

If the blockchain validation process is only dependent on a small number of devices in one country, and the weather in that country affects the performance of the devices, the validation process could be at risk of disruption. Requiring the sale of over 20,000 devices in different countries before releasing the blockchain is a strategy to ensure a sufficient number of devices and a diverse geographical distribution to mitigate the risks of weather-related outages.

Coins are minted on the receiving chain when transferred from one chain to another and burned on the sending chain, helping maintain a consistent coin supply and ensuring the integrity of the overall network. It provides a mechanism for users to seamlessly transfer and utilize the SOLX coin across both chains while mitigating risks associated with any potential disruptions.

By diversifying the network across multiple chains and implementing these mechanisms, we are enhancing the resilience and stability of the SOLX ecosystem, while still leveraging the benefits of renewable energy sources for mining on the SolarX chain.

SolarX, using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power to validate a decentralized chain, has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of the blockchain industry while also promoting sustainable energy practices.

Benefits of SOLARX

Zero Air Pollution: Unlike traditional power sources such as coal or gas, solar power does not produce any emissions or air pollution. This makes it a much cleaner and more environmentally friendly option for powering mining operations.

Zero Gas Fees: By using renewable energy sources to power its mining operations, a SolarX cryptocurrency mining company can eliminate the need for expensive gas fees on the blockchain.

Green Environment: By reducing the carbon footprint of mining operations, a renewable energy-based mining company can help to create a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment.

Free Electricity: If the mining company can generate more energy than it needs for its mining operations, it can potentially sell the excess energy back to the grid, generating additional revenue and potentially even offsetting the cost of mining.

Passive income: Mining cryptocurrency can be a lucrative business, generating a steady stream of passive income for the company and its investors.

Overall, SolarX is a cryptocurrency mining company that utilizes renewable energy sources that can provide a range of benefits, both for the environment and for the company’s bottom line. By leveraging the latest technology and sustainable energy sources, such a company can help to pave the way towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future for the cryptocurrency industry.

SolarX Facility

President Joe Biden plans to invest $2 trillion in clean-energy initiatives over the next four years, with a loftier goal of making America a net-zero-emissions country by 2050. Just how much progress he can make remains largely up to the composition of Congress, but most analysts expect a much more accommodative Washington for green energy over the next few years.

Source:: “The NY Times. February 2021. “Biden Announces $2 Trillion Climate Plan.”

China has now committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2060, putting the world’s biggest market for solar and wind power on the path to ramp up installations as it begins its next five-year plan.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s recent report shows that the sector will receive nearly $5.1 trillion worth of investment in new power plants by 2030. Given the anticipated spending spree in the sector, investors who choose to “go green” could see their holdings grow along with the demand for energy.

SolarX Farm

The energy transformation as a supply grid issue: Currently, large central power plants basically supply their immediate surroundings. In the future, more small SolarX mining devices, decentralized wind and solar generators will take on a greater load of the supply. This will lead to a new network architecture that may be less vulnerable to power outages than present-day grids, contrary to the fears of some

Wind Farm

As large power plants are replaced by multiple photovoltaic panels on roofs, and wind turbines on hills and offshore, we now believe that synchronization in a decentralized power grid may actually be easier than previously thought, as a grid with many generators finds its own shared rhythm of alternating current.

Solar and wind energy will help stabilize the power grid and cryptocurrency mining.

Renewable energies such as wind and the sun are set to become increasingly important in generating electricity. If increasing numbers of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems feed electrical energy into the SolarX grid, it becomes denser and more distributed. Therefore, instead of a small number of large power plants, it links a larger number of small, decentralized power plants supporting cryptocurrency mining.

Solar Farm

Cloud mining has so far been expensive. You accumulate just coins, but with the SolarX cloud mining facility, you mine coins and sell energy to the grid:

A SolarX electricity facility that powers the grid and does cloud mining, also known as a solar power plant or solar farm, will refer to a large-scale solar energy generation facility that feeds electricity directly into the power grid for widespread distribution to homes, businesses, communities and does mining producing coins for those who invested in SolarX facility.

SolarX power plants will typically consist of arrays of solar panels or photovoltaic (PV) modules that capture sunlight and convert it into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.

The electricity generated is then fed into the grid through inverters that convert it from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) for distribution to consumers.

Electricity Facilities

Solar electricity facilities powering the grid can have various sizes and capacities, ranging from small-scale SolarX mini grids installations to utility-scale plants that generate large amounts of electricity to meet the energy needs of a significant number of users. These facilities have several advantages:

The surplus electricity generated from the solar panels, which is not used for mining, can be sold back to the grid or to other consumers, creating a potential revenue stream. This can offset the energy costs associated with cryptocurrency mining and make the mining operation more sustainable and environmentally friendly by utilizing renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy: Solar power is a clean, renewable source of energy that does not produce harmful emissions, greenhouse gases, or pollutants, making it environmentally friendly and contributing to mitigating climate change.

Grid stability and energy security: Solar power plants can contribute to grid stability by providing a consistent and reliable source of electricity during peak demand periods, reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based power sources, and enhancing energy security.

Increased energy independence: Solar panels can provide a decentralized and independent source of energy for cryptocurrency mining operations, reducing dependence on traditional energy sources, and increasing energy resilience.

Cost savings: Utilizing solar energy can offset the electricity costs associated with cryptocurrency mining, potentially increasing profitability for miners.

Sustainable energy generation: Solar power plants do not deplete natural resources and do not produce harmful waste or byproducts, making them a sustainable form of energy generation.

Positive marketing and branding: Utilizing renewable energy for cryptocurrency mining can contribute to a positive image and branding for the mining operation, appealing to environmentally conscious investors and customers.

In general, solar energy objects that supply the grid and produce coins play an important role in the transition to a more sustainable and renewable future of energy production and crypto mining by providing clean electricity to the grid for widespread use. They contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting energy security, promoting economic growth, and adapting currency crypto to your life in a healthier approach. A solar green energy facility can be an asset for both mining cryptocurrency and generating electricity for sale through the grid.

Micro Grids

The production and distribution of electricity today still relies on energy-producing companies. A centralized power station generates and distributes energy to consumers through large energy transmission channels. Consumers are required to pay high prices for electricity bills if they want to consume the energy supplied by these power stations. High electricity bills, frequent power outages, irregular voltage supply, and other issues are some of the problems that consumers face, but they can do little about them. Therefore, there is an immediate need for decentralization and distribution of energy generation. Reducing carbon emissions remains one of the energy industry’s most complex

Optimize the cost of electricity

Implementing SolarX microgrids also helps optimize the cost and fair pricing of electricity. Furthermore, SolarX ensures that there is no unfair pricing and any fraud in the process since everything will be decentralized. This way, energy can be consumed and distributed more effectively and efficiently among others. This can provide a small but important step in indirectly reducing carbon.

One of the strengths of SolarX microgrids will also be the storage of electricity. The innovation of energy storage and sales to others by utilizing the SolarX platform will enter the electricity industry, which has great potential and has been used very little, almost not at all in crypto.

A SolarX-based energy storage and trading platform among consumers can provide transparent, secure communication for users for sharing energy resources and enable easy interaction.

The decentralized SolarX platform can be used to promote industries that actively support efficient energy innovations by investing heavily in the development of renewable energy sources. Consumers who use SolarX solar panels or other panels can share and trade excess energy with their neighbors (using SolarX microgrids as discussed above) and will also be rewarded with coins to encourage and expand decentralization.

GIS Mapping

SolarX by using Lidar and GIS mapping, SolarX will gather detailed and accurate information about the terrain, solar radiation, and environmental factors in a given area. This data will then be analyzed to identify areas that are suitable for solar crypto mining while minimizing the impact on the surrounding environment and communities.


Using Lidar, SolarX will create detailed 3D maps that provide information on the height and slope of the land, as well as any obstacles that may be present. This information can be combined with GIS data to identify areas that receive sufficient solar radiation and are also suitable for solar crypto mining development.

The use of GIS mapping will also help SolarX to assess the potential impact of solar crypto mining on the surrounding environment and communities. By considering factors such as wildlife habitat, water resources, and cultural resources, SolarX can ensure that the development is conducted in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. The use of Lidar and GIS mapping by SolarX is a promising approach to identifying suitable areas for solar crypto mining development while minimizing the impact on the environment and communities.

Charging Points

The electric vehicle sector is promising for increasing energy security, economic opportunities, and improving air quality worldwide. It also strengthens the goals of SolarX in the EV world.

Before many electric vehicles (EVs) are integrated into the electric grid, an investigation and assessment of important parameters are required.

Decentralized charging network

The additional linear loads and EVs will be connected to the decentralized market. SolarXmini grid, many automotive companies have already invested in the electric vehicle sector; the market is growing. It is growing quickly, and it is growing everywhere.

Driven by a decarbonization challenge that most leading countries are now taking seriously, global sales of electric vehicles will continue to accelerate in 2022. Looking at the first five months of the year, over 3.2 million new plug-in vehicles were registered worldwide.

The growth in electric vehicle registrations in Europe, where numbers are accelerating much faster than anywhere else since 2019, can be attributed to the stimulating measures introduced by many European governments. Large markets have also introduced tax benefits and subsidies, which have contributed to the increase in sales.

Sources: EV Volumes & Global EV Outlook

The biggest barrier to the adoption of electric vehicles remains the limited availability of charging infrastructure, but the more electric vehicles there are on the road, the greater the need for more charging points. SolarX aims to provide everyone with this opportunity in the future and to make it decentralized. In 2021, there were over 376,000 publicly available EV chargers in Europe, and by 2025, it is estimated that there will be over 1.3 million charging stations accessible to the public. The number should further increase to 2.9 million by 2030.

Source: EV Volumes

 Solarx Grids

That’s why SolarX plans to create the largest decentralized charging network, powered by SolarX grids (mining grids)

Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) infrastructure

For the general design and study of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) infrastructure, this work also offers an overview of the representation of electric vehicles in different energy-efficient models and their categorization during network connection. The approved methodology for energy-efficient models includes life cycle emissions, economics, intelligent charging, real-time optimization, EV resource modeling, and a support vector machine (SVM) based method. This work positively impacts the integration of EV fleets and electric mobility in general, as it critically examines the influential parameters and challenges. This classification depends on the essential parameters at the forefront of EV network integration research. This review is a solution to increase network stability regarding new EV models. With the advanced development of electric motors and renewed battery technology models, cars with longer ranges are now available in the market. This document investigates the limitations of EV network integration and analyzes different EV models to facilitate network stability for a decentralized market.

SolarX Mini-Grids

Distributed decentralized generation sources (SolarXmini grids) are energy generation sources closer to consumer environments; they allow consumers to use renewable energy (RE) sources locally, thereby reducing maximum demand and losses on long-distance transmission. The paper summarizes the role of SolarXmining grids in meeting the requirements for clean and efficient energy locally.

The systems to fully exploit the advantages of implementing SolarX mini grids shortly, through the benefits, case studies of other countries, application, and economics of solar mining grids, can analyze and meet energy requirements in remote villages with renewable energy sources. The figure presents important advantages of decentralized generation for rural electrification.

Solarx decentralized grid and mining SolarX coins can be used to recharge electric vehicles in a more sustainable and cost-effective way. One way this can be accomplished is through the use of blockchain technology, which allows for peer-to-peer transactions and can help reduce the need for intermediaries.

In SolarX decentralized grid, energy is generated and distributed by multiple sources, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries, which are connected through a SolarX grid (or SolarX mini grids). This allows for more efficient and flexible use of energy resources, which can be harnessed to recharge electric vehicles.

Mining coins of SolarX will be used to incentivize the production and distribution of renewable energy, which can then be used to recharge electric vehicles. Miners will earn coins by generating energy from renewable sources, and those coins could be used to purchase energy to recharge electric vehicles.

Planning trips with smart connectivity to find the location of charging stations is a viable solution for this. The demand for charging stations will rise due to the increase in electric vehicles. Consumers are opting for the ease of charging points and fast charging is preferred.

Overall, the use of decentralized grids and mining coins of SolarX can help create a more sustainable and efficient system for recharging electric vehicles.

Net Metering

Small wind turbines will be used in residential settings to directly offset electricity usage using net metering. Net metering allows customers to receive coins for excess electricity generated by their wind turbine that is fed back into the SolarX grid. These coins can then be used to offset the customer’s electricity bill, making small wind turbines a cost-effective way to generate renewable energy for residential use.

In addition to offsetting electricity usage, small wind turbines will also be used to mine cryptocurrencies. The energy produced by the wind turbine will be used to power SolarX mining device, which will generate income by validating transactions and creating new blocks in the SolarX green chain. This can potentially provide additional revenue streams for homeowners and help promote the use of renewable energy sources. Distributed wind energy installations are common at, but are not limited to, residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial, and community sites, and can range in size from a 5-kiloWatt (kW) turbine at a home to a multi-megaWatt (MW) turbine at a manufacturing facility. Distributed wind energy installations are either connected to the customer side of the meter to meet the on-site load, or directly to distribution SolarX micro grids to support grid operations or offset large loads nearby. Distributed wind energy installations are defined by technology application, not technology size, but are typically smaller than 20 MW.

Decentralized Bike Solar Charging

Decentralized bike solar charging has many potential benefits for cities, including:

1. Providing a renewable energy source for charging electric bikes, reducing the use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions.

2. Promoting the use of electric bikes for transportation, which can reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

3. Enhancing the accessibility of electric bikes by providing a convenient and reliable charging infrastructure.

4. Increasing the use of public spaces by providing solar panels and charging stations that can also serve as community gathering places.

Examples of decentralized bike solar charging systems can be found in various cities around the world, including Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Barcelona.

Inefficient In-Mall Distribution

The current practice for freight distribution in shopping malls is mostly inefficient because of low time utilization of critical logistics resources (drivers, helpers, elevators, and loading bays), retail delivery delays, and unintended queues of other vehicles waiting to enter the mall’s basement carpark. Current practice of loading/unloading starts with a freight vehicle, operated by a driver and a helper from a specific carrier, arriving at the loading bay. The helper unloads the freight and delivers it to one or more retail shops located on a specific floor using the mall shared facilities such as freight elevator. The helpers may need to wait for an available elevator, which may impose additional waiting time and lead to late deliveries. Meanwhile, the freight vehicle needs to wait until the helper returns before it departs from the mall. Other freight vehicles are then denied space in the loading dock and need to wait until the loading bays are available again.

SolarX Decentralized drone charging points that utilize solar power can be an innovative solution to provide sustainable and efficient charging for drones. Solar-powered charging stations can leverage renewable energy to recharge drones, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing their carbon footprint.

Tracking and Authentication:

Blockchain technology can provide a secure and tamper-proof way of tracking drone deliveries from start to finish. Each drone will be equipped with a unique identifier that is recorded on the blockchain, along with the package’s details. This information will be used to verify the authenticity of the delivery and ensure that it has not been tampered with during transit.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts will be used to automate the entire delivery process, from order placement to package delivery. These contracts will be programmed to execute automatically once certain conditions are met, such as the package arriving at its destination.

Decentralized Network of SolarX

Blockchain technology will provide a decentralized network for drone delivery, enabling drones to communicate with each other and share data securely. This will help improve the efficiency of the delivery process by reducing the need for centralized communication and control systems.

In a decentralized setup, solar panels will be installed on charging stations that are created by buyers located in various locations, such as rooftops of buildings, open fields, or even on mobile charging stations that can be moved to different areas as needed. These solar panels can capture sunlight and convert it into electricity to charge the drones’ batteries.


One advantage of using solar-powered charging points is that they can provide a continuous source of renewable energy during daylight hours, allowing drones to be charged without drawing power from the grid or relying on traditional fuel-powered generators. This can help reduce operational costs and minimize the environmental impact of drone operations.

Decentralized solar-powered charging points for drones can also be beneficial in remote or off-grid areas where access to electricity may be limited or unreliable. By utilizing solar power, drones can operate in these areas without needing to return to a centralized charging location, making them more versatile and extending their operational range.

Payment System

SolarX platform will also be used to create a secure and transparent payment system for drone deliveries. Smart contracts can be used to automate payment processing, ensuring that payment is made only when the package is delivered and verified by the recipient.!! Compared to car delivery, we will be faster and cheaper.

Wi-Fi Drone

Also known as wireless drone charging, it is a concept where drones are charged wirelessly using Wi-Fi technology. This eliminates the need for physical connectors or charging cables, allowing drones to charge simply by being in proximity to a Wi-Fi charging station.

Advantages of Wi-Fi drone

The advantages of Wi-Fi drone charging include convenience, efficiency, and flexibility. Drones can be charged without the need for manual connection or docking, reducing downtime, and increasing operational efficiency. Wi-Fi charging stations will be installed in various locations, making it easier to establish decentralized charging points for drones. This can be particularly beneficial in remote or hard-to-reach areas where traditional charging infrastructure may not be feasible.

The charging points will be equipped with VPS technology, which would allow the drones to accurately locate and land on the charging pads. The VPS will use cameras and sensors to determine the drone’s position, altitude, and orientation, ensuring a safe and accurate landing.

The charging pads will be made from solar panels, which would provide a sustainable source of energy for the charging process. The solar panel is designed to capture sunlight during the day and store the energy in batteries, which would power the charging process at night or during periods of low sunlight.

To enable the charging process, the charging points will use Wi-Fi to communicate with the drones. When a drone lands on the charging pad, it will be connected to the Wi-Fi network and initiate the charging process.

The charging points could be designed to be modular, allowing for easy installation and scalability. This would enable the charging infrastructure to grow as the demand for drone services increases.

The use of VPS and solar-powered charging points with Wi-Fi charging capabilities will be a sustainable and efficient solution for decentralized charging infrastructure for drones. Using renewable energy sources and modern technologies, it could help to reduce the carbon footprint of drone operations and improve the efficiency and accessibility of drone services.

Cloud Gaming

SolarX Cloud Gaming is a technology that allows users to play games on remote servers, with the game’s visuals and inputs being streamed to the user’s device. Decentralized cloud gaming refers to a cloud gaming infrastructure that is decentralized, meaning that it is not controlled by a single entity but rather distributed across multiple SolarX devices.

Cloud Gaming System

In a decentralized cloud gaming system, the game servers are distributed across a network of nodes, with each node responsible for hosting a portion of the game. The nodes communicate with each other to synchronize the game state and ensure that all players have a consistent gaming experience. This decentralized approach can potentially offer several advantages over traditional centralized cloud gaming systems.

Advantages of Cloud Gaming

One advantage is that it can be more resilient to failures or attacks, as there is no single point of failure or control. Another advantage is that it will potentially offer lower latency and faster gameplay, as the game data does not need to travel as far to reach the player’s device. Additionally, a decentralized cloud gaming system will potentially offer greater privacy and security, as user data is distributed across multiple nodes rather than being centralized in one location.1. Instant access: Playing your favorite games on the cloud eliminates the need to wait for downloads or updates because they are always available. The moment your keyboard, mouse, and controller are connected, the game may begin.

Save space on your computer: They save everything in one location, taking very little space on your computer, as opposed to having numerous copies of each game on your hard drive (or different consoles). Since this system doesn’t require any installation fees, you can save both time and money.


No hardware requirements: All you need is an internet connection and a controller; you don’t even need to acquire a computer or gaming console. You can use it to play games without having to download them on your device.

Play on any device with an internet connection: You can play your games from anywhere, whether you’re at home or on the go, using any device with an internet connection.

Remote access: If you don’t have a gaming console, you can still play video games on your phone or tablet via cloud gaming.